Hey guys err, girls! Im pretty sure I don't have any guy
A little bit about me, hmmm... When people say "Tell me about yourself?" I never know what to say!
I was born in so cal in a little town called LA. Ever heard of it?? Prob not, it's pretty small... When my parents realized I would end up going to a highschool that had metal detectors and that I would be fenced in all day and would have razor wire on top of the fence they decided to look elsewhere to raise there presh lil girls. I grew up in a neighborhood that had a couple other kids that we could walk down to there house and play. I had the funnest times on the cul-de-sac. I still keep in touch with most of the kids adults that I used to play with:) My parents decided on Oregon as their destination. Not knowing a soul up here, they packed up their U-Haul, it took 3 U-Hauls to make the final move, and settled in a lil town in southern oregon. Growing up I thought it was a little town and everyone knew everyone's business. I always related to the movie Doc Hollywood.
"You can't shit in this town without everyone knowing what color it is"
After graduation, at 17, I moved to Arizona! Shocking that my parents let me run away. Not to fret, I was back a year later. I hated the big city! It was not for me! I hated the traffic, the mean people and most of all the heat! I don't care if there's no humidity, 120 degrees is still 120 degrees! Ick!
Long story short, I have a cute lil monkey and work in that small town I despised so much growing up. Funny how things work out. I can't even think of ever leaving it. I have a job I love, my parents, and plenty of friends that I call family! :)
Thanks for stopping by! I loooove making new friends:) Stop and stay for awhile!